He Who Wants You to Know He wants You
I have not known God wants me.
God cannot misrepresent Himself, otherwise He would not be Who He Is.
Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
God is Love
1 John 4:8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
Everything God does must be actually genuinely motivated by a desire to help you and I, otherwise He is not Who He Is. Unlike the motivation of myself at times, He is not being nice to get something in return.
You and I may not understand how God is motivated by His love for us. Because we do not know He actually genuinely wants us we often refuse to accept His provision.
. If you and I do not understand Who He Is, it is not because of Him, it is because of us. He would reveal Himself so much that we could begin to trust Him. That He is not a "friend" to hurt/ use us. That He is our friend because He genuinely wants us, not because of the way we make Him feel. That He is hurt more than us when we don't want to be part of Him. That He would prefer to cease to exist than not have a future with you.