I thought success should be an education, a career, money, and a family.
Humans cannot change what success is. They can represent (or misrepresent) it. The following article will attempt to help explain what success is.
If you have been around a while you probably have a view of what success is. This view has been shaped by the media, by your friends, by your family, by your religion, by your boss, by your work colleagues, etc.
Success is not determined by what you do or do not do. Success is not determined by what you may or may not own. Success is not determined by what job you may or may not have. Success is not determined by what others say or do not say about you.
You can be broke and a success.
You can be living on the street and a success.
You can be single and a success.
You can be childless and a success.
You can be overweight and a success.
You can be unpopular and a success.
You can be in prison and a success.
You can be jobless and a success.
Success in life is related to how you feel.
If outward achievement cannot make you completely happy, peaceful and satisfied, complete happiness, peace and satisfaction is more valuable than outward achievement.
It is harder to be completely happy, peaceful and satisfied than to be the ruler of the country.
If you are completely peaceful, happy and satisfied, you are often more of a success than the ceo of company that is not peaceful, happy, or satisfied.
You may have lived your entire life in prison, but if you finally find complete peace, happiness, and satisfaction you are more of a success than many of those who are free, but are not completely happy, peaceful and satisfied.
You may have lived your entire life being overweight and unpopular but if you have found complete peace, happiness, and satisfaction you are more successful than many a Hollywood Hunk.
Ultimately He Who Made You would help you understand Who He Is sufficiently so that you could trust Him completely and in that place of trust be able to represent Who He Is. If you are not able to represent Who He Is, you are not as successful as someone who is able to, even if they are physically sick, penniless, without a family, etc. .
Proverbs 16:32 Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.
Proverbs 19:22 What a person desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar.
Proverbs 25:28 Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.
Jeremiah 33:6
"'Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.